head shot of short light brown hair female, smiling

Aimee Forbush

Hi, I'm Aimee Forbush; an aspiring Full Stack Developer living in beaUTAHiful Salt Lake City, UT.


Known as a courageous, thoughtful and insightful individual, I enjoy continually learning, working through challening projects and engaging in the creative process. I'm a mom of two boys and four pets; two cats and two dogs. My husband and I love living near the mountains where we recreate regularly. I feel so incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to turn into the tech industry and am excited to deepen and broaden my knowledge and skills. Eleanor Roosevelt said it best; "You must do the thing you think you cannot do."

Current Projects

The Powder Project

Past Projects

Run Buddy App

Travel Bonanza

Projects in development

Gladitor Robots MVP Game

Future CV
